January Public Meetings:
Please put our public meetings on your calendar, and start
to spread the word about these events.
- What: Wrangell Waterfront Planning Public meeting
- When: Monday, January 12th AND Wednesday, January 14th
- Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
- Where: Nolan Center
Meeting Content:
- Monday, January 12: Wrangell economic analysis, site inventory, and get input from the public on programming priorities.
- Wednesday, January 14: Present draft conceptual master plans based on Monday’s programming priorities for public input.
- Open Door Workshop (Tuesday and Wednesday): The planning team will be developing your master plans while in the community. Stop by the small conference room in the Nolan Center to provide input and see your master plan being developed
Be ready to provide project input at the public meetings. At
our initial public meeting on January 12th, we will be presenting economic
trends, identify potential programming opportunities and receiving input on
your programming priorities for the master plan. We hope you will attend and
provide your input. Please ready to provide your input for the January 12
meeting with responses to the following questions:
- What do you see as the best short-term (1-5 years) development opportunities for the waterfront in the project area?
- What do you see as the best mid-term (5-15 years) development opportunities for the waterfront in the project area?
- What do you see as the best long-term (greater than 15 years) development opportunities for the waterfront in the project area?